In terms of overall graphics, using the same in-game engine as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare seems to have served Vanguard well. However, despite the engine change, Vanguard is being plagued by the same visibility issues that are also present in Black Ops - Cold War. This is definitely not a good sign for Vanguard as players are also complaining about how “boring” the game’s take on the battle royale formula is.

Low visibility = camping haven

One of the biggest issues that players are facing in Vanguard is that the game lends itself to camping. Because of the low in-game visibility, it’s become difficult for players to spot others, especially those who are lying in wait. As a result, campers are having a field day shooting down players that can’t see them despite being just a few feet away. It also doesn’t help that the Champion Hill maps in Vanguard make it difficult to single out targets amidst the grey and brown surroundings. Although the game does admittedly look pretty, players are finding themselves frustrating about having to squint so often. If it’s any consolation, Vanguard’s visibility issues aren’t new. In addition to Black Ops - Cold War, the Modern Warfare Alpha also had similar problems. The 2019 title eventually ironed out all the wrinkles though, which is something that we expect will happen with Vanguard in time. After all, fixing bugs and making improvements based on player feedback is the reason why Activision conducts these types of playtests. Speaking of playtests, the first Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha is already over. Don’t worry, there’s more coming. For more information about other Alpha tests, be sure to click here for our guide. We definitely recommend participating in the upcoming playtests, especially if you’re on the PS4 or PS5. If nothing else, it should give you a glimpse of whether or not you should buy Call of Duty: Vanguard once it comes out on November 5, 2021. Here’s a list of what all the different game editions will get you.

Poor player visibility plagues Call of Duty  Vanguard Alpha - 26Poor player visibility plagues Call of Duty  Vanguard Alpha - 41Poor player visibility plagues Call of Duty  Vanguard Alpha - 20